First issue done

Tonight marked a big day in the life of this newspaper adviser. In the past, students have stayed up well past midnight getting their pages done for Cardinal and Cream, the student newspaper. When I was hired at Union, I made it known that those days were over and, thanks to my capable assistant adviser Ellen Kimbro and numerous helpful students, our last page rolled out at 6:32 pm. THAT is a major victory, folks. A few students from last year showed up to help out and several students did double duty, subbing in for some that weren't getting their articles edited and pages done on time. After one overworked editor dropped the class, the intrepid novice editor who replaced her really stepped up at the last minute. A lot of these students were laying pages out with computer programs I was not familiar with so on my To Do list for this fall is to learn InDesign, a graphics software.Tomorrow - Wednesday - is the other big hump: The Move into the new house. Am dying to move out of the apartment that's been our home for five weeks but the thought of tripping over 122 boxes for the next few months is not the happiest. There are all sorts of things to get used to, such as the local cable companies making customers buy their own computer routers where I'm so used to Verizon providing all that. It is different living on the East Coast. Anyway, it may be several days before I can get wireless at the house so I won't be as easy to reach via email. Fortunately my work computer just got installed so at least I'm wired at work. And I will be able to wear something other than the same set of clothes I've had on for nearly six weeks. And lastly, this day could have been a lot worse. If my site was still hosted by, you'd not be reading this, as godaddy's sites worldwide got taken down today for many hours by hackers or internal problems. I changed to Bluehost last month. Great timing.


Moving and Memphis


The longest month