Frisbee tutoring

Maybe sons head out to the yard with their dads to practice throwing softballs but what do daughters do? Well, in our case, Veeka is learning to throw one mean frisbee. For the last several evenings now, she and I have headed out to the back yard where she's tossed vari-colored Frisbees my way. Although she's right-handed, she throws with her left hand. Odd but it works.It has finally warmed up here and spring evenings are especially nice in that the mosquitoes haven't arrived yet. But it was in the 90s today and I turned on the air-conditioning for the first time. The photo you see here is Veeka in a cute blue dress given by her godparents and she loves to wear it. My latest Washington Post story came out this weekend, which you can read here, and I will say it was an 10-month marathon between the time I started it and the time it came out. Must say I learned more about Bahrain and its interior politics then I ever thought I'd need to know. The story started out as a religion assignment (about the first Jewish ambassador from an Arab state) but quickly morphed into a foreign policy story, which was not my best forte. Fortunately I managed - with the help of one of my ex-compatriots at the Washington Times who is an Iran expert - to find Bahrain experts here and there in Washington. I'd love to visit the Gulf states some day but will probably have to do it on someone else's dime the way my finances are at the moment.Don't think I ever described how my birthday went last week but let's just say I am starting into the latter half of my 50s which I find dreadful. A friend arranged for an evening of female poker (half of us didn't know how to play) with some strong cocktails while another friend took Veeka to see "Peter Pan" which I really appreciated. I loved just sitting on this friend's porch, sipping my drink and being able to think without my reveries being interrupted. Earlier that day, I appeared at the Gaithersburg book festival as one of a zillion authors peddling their wares. Being that "Days of Fire and Glory" came out three years ago, I was fortunate to get in. The weather was flawless and I sold $186 worth of books. Then Rob and Jan (who were babysitting you-know-who) took us out to a Japanese restaurant so in all, a very good day.


What. a. week


Veeka's treehouse