Christmas Eve in Seattle

By the time y'all be reading this, it'll be Christmas but here's to say that on Saturday, Veeka weathered the 5-hour flight from Washington, Washington very well. We count ourselves VERY fortunate we did not book a flight through Chicago but instead spent zillions of dollars for direct flights to the Emerald City. Believe it or not, today was SUNNY in Seattle. Amazing.
Tomorrow all the relatives descend and Our Little One will be dressed in a lovely green velvet dress from Talbots, courtesy of Oma. Oma and Opa are experiencing the constant antics of Miss Veeka, who just got spanked for standing on the couch and hanging over a 10-foot drop down the stairwell leading to the den. Miss Veeka in turn is delighting in all the wonderful food to be had here, as she doesn't get near that kind of abundance at home.
Dinner is a'beckoning. Must go. For those of you with spare time, please do check out the last 2 days (Dec. 23 and 24) Washington Times when I've had articles on A1 both days. Today, my piece on atheists *banners* the top; yesterday my piece on a child with SMA - a horrific form of muscular atrophy, took up much the front page. And the WTimes blog has a photo of Veeka at the Indian embassy where she was also a hit. Our Veeka. A socialite.


Veeka's first Christmas


Third Saturday of Advent